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Google Ranking 2

Bryan Field-Elliot blogs a response to my puzzlement about Google’s page ranking. Interesting nitty-gritty info.

It’s well-known that Google prefers data other than what’s in the meta tags to decide on Page Rank, but I’m still surprised that the meta tags aren’t indexed at all.

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11 Responses to “Google Ranking 2”

  1. Clifford Lynch wrote an interesting paper a few years ago about problems with information retrieval in decentralized environments, like the Web. He argues that the Web challenges certain fundamental assumptions about information retrieval. These assumptions are largely related to metadata and explains why services like Google don’t use metadata.

    When Documents Deceive: Trust and Provenance as New Factors for Retrieval in a Tangled Web

  2. Cory explains more succinctly. Metacrap is good term.

    Oddly, I was having a debate about using metatdata as a tracking mechanism this with people on the pho list.

  3. Google all but ignores Meta tags. If you put more than one sentence in a meta tag its pretty much ignored. Engines will use them if they’re short, but not base rankings on them..

  4. I’ve quit using meta-tags unless I want Yahoo or one of the lesser search engines to index my site. I have several pages indexed in Google, ranking top 10 for specific keywords and I have absolutely no meta-tags in the .

    Recently, I have been toying around with software googletestad+or+google+monitor+query to help improve my page rankings.

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