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Light Sleep Means Light Blogging

Red-eye last night back from Supernova. Glenn Fleishman gave me a ride to the airport, but after that I was plunged into the pleasure-deprivation mindset of the airlines. No food, no pillows, no blankets and “attendants” who become brusque and defensive if you ask for the same even if you use a tone as falsely pleasant as their own.

Yeah, I’m grumpy.

Thank goodness for Dramamine (or its brandless equivalent). A pharmacist once recommended it to me as an over-the-counter soporific. It works for me and leaves not much of a hangover. Except for the grumpiness.

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13 Responses to “Light Sleep Means Light Blogging”

  1. Redeye. Ugh. I realized at some point that I never ever got anything done the morning after taking a red-eye. So taking the redeye didn’t save time. I avoid ’em like the plague if I can help it.

  2. have a good day.

  3. I just can’t shut my pie hole.

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