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Supernova: Wrap Up

Kevin is summing up. He’s asking us what we haven’t addressed enough.

His answer is that we haven’t talked enough about government and about digital identity. Here are some of our answers: [I didn’t get everyone’s name because the ideas were pumped out rapidly.]

Marc: The mechanisms for hooking together decentralized stuff. (This is more techie than I’d care about.)

The economic reasons for decentralization

Doc: Categorizing infrastructure, e.g., commons vs commercial infrastructure.

Dave Sifry: Business models for edge stuff

Organzational and legal models

SIP, IM and super directories

Grid computing

Gary Bolles: Inside the firewall where decentralization looks bad

Fair Use and DRM

Consumer electronics and non-PC computing

Phil Wolff: In the next Supernova, which will be in DC, we should focus on explaining this stuff to policy makers.

Excellent conference. Now I get to ride to the airport with Glenn Fleishman.

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