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Michael Jackson Repair Kit

Jonathan Peterson passes along this link reluctantly, fearing he’s feeding my unhealthy obsession with Michael Jackson’s face. Yes, yes he is.

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17 Responses to “Michael Jackson Repair Kit”

  1. The Michael Jackson Plan
    Michael Jackson is going to jump bail and move to India.
    There is growing evidence; The Avatar of Neverland is going to relocate in the land of magic. Sources say, Michael Jackson has entered into negociations with Gruru Sai Baba to joint venture in a new shrine. “There are an infinite number of 12 year old hindu boys in India.” Yes Michael, there are lots of Hindu Boys in India but the number is finite.
    The Plan is to move their respective temples to Auroville, the experimental community south of Madras.
    Neverland and the Ashram of Sai Baba will merge into a unified theology sympathetic to the goals and ideals of the Aurovillians. The Golden Orb is ready for a makeover, the devotees are waiting for new leadership and the climate is ripe for a new look. The Pundit, Mickey Ganesh has long forcast this merger of East and West. Good luck in you vision quest Michael.
    Mickey Ganesh: Pundit


    Michael Jackson vs. Cardinal Bernard Law. Whether justice served equal? If not why?

    Justice is a circus and a Judge the clown, when the interest of operation resides in the hands of monsters behind politics, religion and economy.

    An ugly scene equal to ancient Roman Arenas, while the audience enjoys and left focused on the entertainment aspects. That’s the exact policy used today. In order to confuse the truth, make it professionally more entertaining. Like CNN the arena, victims the gladiators and finally Dollar sign the Cesar.

    Compare is the answer if truth not found.

    We take it from current headline news, and you continue with every other issue of interest “black vs. White”, “rich vs. poor”, “war vs. war”, “Kobe Bryant vs. President Clinton”, …………..and finally “you vs. yourself”

    L.C.S.W. is unfortunately my way to ease the pain. (Look. Compare. Smile. Walk away.)

    Compare Method is the most powerful argument to shake the foundation of injustice. However, can’t change the system as long as it is a part of a major game. The answer to that comes at the end of this movie.

    Lets LCSW with me on this case “Michael Jackson vs. Cardinal Bernard Law” then watch closely how the justice change colors on similar cases and why? That “why” is the purpose of my FLASH movie ( ).

    Thanks for attentions,


  3. I’m surprised that he (Michael Jackson) hasn’t already left the country. The evidence appears to be mounting and after the showed aired last night (by liberal media non the less)he’s already been tried and convicted by his beloved press. By the end of the trial, he will have few supporters remaining. And those will just be the Treky-Like diehard Thriller freaks.

  4. Thoughts on guys named Michael

    Been reading various blogs on different guys named Michael (Jackson, Savage, Moore, etc) and figured that pretty much every blog I have come across hasn’t figured out that there is a conspiracy to turn them into IT people in order…

  5. We love Michael Jacksons Face.
    And Play all of his music in every event. Michael jackson is the “King of Pop!”

    Tilden Street Productions and Marketing. Promotiosn/Street Team. Contact Us Today
    P.O. Box 4571 Vail colorado, 81658
    [email protected]

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