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Big Slice

Researchers at the Information Technology Center of Tokyo University have calculated the value of pi to 1.24 trillion places.

And we’re know they got it right because … ?

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6 Responses to “Big Slice”

  1. Come on, David, you’ve worked as a teacher. You know that “we know they got it right because they look serious and honest and who on earth wants to check their answer?”

  2. …because it’s deep-math-magic and they can proove it’s correct. Irritating ain’t it? :-)

  3. They have NO free time to calculate Pi to that many spaces. If the cpu did, how do we know the cpu got it right? Or if they programed it right?
    Yea it might have been their intent to get the correct answwer, but how do we know it is right? go check it!

  4. who really cares they are just a bunch of geeks who think they know it all and have all the time in the world to do that

  5. Math Sux

  6. Now now, Jamal, if it weren’t for geeks who think they know it all and had all the time in the world, we wouldn’t have had the Internet.


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