Joho the Blog » Yes, It’s a Scam
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Yes, It’s a Scam

Sharon Hill got the same fax as I did. I almost fell for it. Sharon, in a comment on my blog entry about it, writes:

I just got this same fax this morning. In doing a keyword search for the company – no site, of course – I found this site and your comments.

I called them and was told Mr. Moore was not yet in the office but Eddie, who answered the phone, could help me.

I asked Eddie what it cost to be an Advisory Board member. He said he could certainly give me info that would ‘lead up’ to that point. I told him, no, I didn’t need the info I just needed to know how much it cost.

This Eddie, clearly not a very clever or articulate con man, said “they don’t usually like me to give that information over the phone.” I said “Im sure they don’t. I am on a web site where people are discussing this scam. I will let them know that indeed it is a scam.”

And I hung up.

Thank you.

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