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Millennial Cluelessness

The Most Clueless comments of the young millennium come from Rev. Robert V. Meffan as reported in today’s Boston Globe. (You can read them today here and here. The Globe will soon lock them in its Vault of Public Ignorance.)

Rev. Meffan had sex with teen-age girls entering a nunnery because “I felt that by having this little bit of intimacy with them that this is what it would be like with Christ.”

This wonderful man doesn’t even bear any grudges against the young women whose trust he violated: “They were wonderful girls. I have no hatred toward them, no animosity toward them or anything like that. To me they were just wonderful, wonderful young people.”

And I thought that I was at the point in this outrage where no further revelation could get me to yell “Holy shit!” while reading the morning paper. I should have known better.

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