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Get your war on

The new Get Your War On is out and climbing the DayPop Top 40, as it should. After all, how can you not love a strip that begins:

“Well, at least Timmy had a good ten years without having to know who Henry Kissinger was. There’s something so precious about a young child’s first encounter with Henry Kissinger…”

Will someone please give David Rees a Pulitzer? Or better: contribute to to which he donates his royalties.

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4 Responses to “Get your war on”

  1. David – The day Rees gets a Pulitzer will be the day that bogus award begins to regain a nanodot of credibility. jmho.

  2. i took way too long to blog about rees’ brilliant humor, but i just rectified that.

  3. can anyone out there share an everquest account with me, i truely wish to play but i am ashamed to say i cant afford an account of my own you can even build a new character for me on a server different than yours so as not to interfer with your characters.if anyone decides to be generous the character you make for me can it be female human magic user me at [email protected]

  4. well i got to say you all r funny i aint got no hacks at all omg and all you cry i been playing for 1yr and in my 1 yr of playing i got a war 66 mag 55 just a nout 56 druid 45 mabe 46 and some babe toons i run to get a gay from peeps …not crying over not passing 24 14 or any lvl ill tell you what GET OY THERE AND KILL HACKS AINT WHAT IT IS A BOUT HARD WORK IS THE KEY ……

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