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Halley’s Girlism

Say what you want about Halley’s comments on “girlism,” they sure hit the mark in describing our 17-year-old daughter: She assumes the truths of feminism but is totally into being a girl.

From Betty Friedan to Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

For what others are saying about “girlism,” you can jump into a blogthread here where you’ll find Shelley Powers, Mike Golby and Jeneane “NY Times” Sessum engaged in a discussion of Halley’s original post … a discussion as difficult as its topic deserves.

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4 Responses to “Halley’s Girlism”

  1. I see nothing wrong with girls being girls. But the word “girl” has one of two connotations. Immaturity or objectification. For a 17 year old girl to embrace being a girl is perfectly natural. For those of us WOMEN, who are mature, we can be girl like in many ways, and that’s wonderful. But unfortunately, at my age, “girliness” can have the, I think, *dangerous* connotation of objectfication.

    And unless Halley is a minor (I don’t know her age), then girlism seems to me to mean for her, embracing objectification.
    And I think it’s scary that young women of today would think that one has to be objectified to be sexy.

  2. I think it is great that folks like your daughter have had so little experience with sexism that they think feminism is boring.

    I worked early in my career at companies with gender-based salary and promotion disparities, and have lived in subcultures where women have unequal educational opportunities and are assumed to be dumber than men. I’m not persuaded that the best way to deal with such things is to giggle winsomely.

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