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Wait, Maybe Bush is an idiot!

With regard to the photo of Bush and the lens caps, Jim Winstead writes:

don’t dismiss it as a fake quite so quickly (snopes certainly didn’t call it a fake — just a possible fake). i contacted contact press images (from the credit at the bottom of the photo) via [email protected], and a jeffrey there replied that the photo was indeed legit.

but as snopes points out, it’s a pretty trivial thing. (i’ve forwarded the confirmation on to them. hopefully they’ll work their magic to confirm it beyond my simple email to the public contact address.)

(wired also has a related article about the increase of faked photos here.)

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3 Responses to “Wait, Maybe Bush is an idiot!”

  1. I`m a Norwegian who thinks that George W. Bush is an idiot. Americans!!! You are not alone in thinking that your President is a moron. We followed the Florida show, watching the various idiots appearing in the courtroom, trying to justify the election result. What a world we are living in! Democracy, my ass! Talking about courtcases, O.J.Simpson is guilty!

  2. Check out this anti-bush tshirt at Jack Schmitt’s. These guys crap me up!

  3. your right bush is an idiot!

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