At PopTech
I’m at PopTech in purposefully picturesque Camden, Maine. We’re five minutes from the official opening. I’m sitting next to Ernie the Attorney, the webloggin’ lawyer, part of a delightful dinner party last night. I drove up with Pito Salas, which was a total treat. I also got to talk with people like Howard Rheingold, Dan Gillmor, Buzz Bruggeman, etc. etc. (I hate doing lists like this because I have a terrible memory and thus end up slighting people I care about.) So, so far I’m a happy guy. (Not to mention that they’ve got wifi. Woohoo!)
PopTech is a techno-humanist conference, this year focused on “artificial worlds,” a topic I will undoubtedly find annoying in the best sense.
I hope not to do continuous blogging. For me it gets in the way of listening. See you later.
Categories: Uncategorized dw