Yahoo the Censor
Yahoo has eliminated the email account for a long-term user, the Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace. From its home page, LMNO4P seems to be your basic community lefty-pacifist vigil-attendin’, Pete Seeger-singin’ peace group. According to the group, Yahoo says the account was turned off and the mailing list was deleted because the group violated Yahoo’s service agreement, but Yahoo won’t tell the group what its violation was. Yahoo does say that accounts are only terminated in response to complaints.
In a display of subtle, pre-emptive anti-Semitism, the group says: “We think Yahoo! overreacted to a complaint by someone who disagrees with our politics, especially our public support for peace & justice in Palestine,” although it has no evidence of this. When in doubt, let’s blame the damn Zionists.
It’s bad enough that Yahoo is censoring groups it doesn’t like, worse that the groups seem innocuous, and worst that it’s denying any accountability. You might consider moving from Yahoo before it decides it doesn’t like what you have to say, either.
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