Why They Hate Us
Hank Blakely’s weekly letter about the doin’s of our “president” today looks at the question most troublin’ W: Why do they hate us? After rejecting notions that perhaps it might have something to do with our behavior…
…Mr. Bush merely stamps his little foot, tosses his pretty head, says “piffle!” and goes off in search of pleasanter alternatives; the current favorite being that they hate us because of our freedom.
Supporting, as all good citizens must, our leader in his every act and utterance, we are naturally reluctant to point out what might be considered a significant stumbling block on the way to his conclusion. Nonetheless we feel compelled to note that, since September 11th, freedom in America has experienced a rather substantial reversal of fortune and yet, if anything, the Islamic world seems to hate us even more. Plainly, the truth is still out there.
And while we’re on the topic, isn’t there something wrong when a president of a country that’s fighting a war on terrorism and is in the midst of an economic collapse is in the best physical shape of his life?
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