July 25, 2002
New issue of JOHO
I just published a new issue of my newsletter:
Dreyfus on the Internet: Hubert Dreyfus, philosopher, has a monograph about the Net that is profound and off the mark. Bluetooth Pro and Con: How do you want to go wireless? There’s no simple answer yet. Sham compromises: We’re losing the Digital Rights Management battle Keeping Telcos Simple, Stupid: How do you explain the telco mess? Pocketful of Standards: A bluffer’s guide. Blogger Dead Pool: Who will be the first journalist fired for what s/he says in his/her blog? The Anals of Marketing: Stupid, stupid marketing. Walking the Walk: Automated integration: Boring but helpful. Cool Tool: Multi renamer. What I’m Playing: Jedi Outcast. Internetcetera: News on the Net and off. Eighth First Name Award: Google searching for first names. Links: You suggest ’em, I run ’em. Email: You write ’em, I run ’em. Bogus contest: Tomorrow’s Moral Monsters |