The Google Mirror
Posted on:: July 14th, 2002
Have we (well, S. Lamb) found the most pointless use of the Google API? It’s a Google mirror in case Google is running too slowly. But, you’ll have to go there to understand…
Categories: Uncategorized dw
it is true that the egloog aka Google mirror web
was done just for fun, however its no fun for the children who suffer from a learning disorder
called Strephosymbolia aka Dyslexia mirror image reading & writing disorder. the problem lies with
the way the fonts are done they spell the whole word backwards but each letter is typed in as a normal print left to right not right to left, when viewed by a person who reads in true mirror image the whole word looks like Jibberish (example)type out a long word backwards in standard type and then try to read it in a mirror
unless you could read Greek Text Boustrophedon the whole word becomes confuseing as in Dysgraphia.people with learning disorders have a tough enough road to haul as is, the programmers of the Google Mirror Search Engine should have done there home work a little better or hired a person who knows that 85% of the nation has one form of Dyslexia or another and if they are going to learn to write & read the correct way,
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