The Good, The Absurd, The Hateful
Three pieces of self-centered media news.
First, the Miami Herald today is running an op-ed written by David Stephenson and me about how bad the Homeland Security homepage sucks and some ideas about what can be done about it. (This expands on some stuff I’d written and David has been thinking about.)
Second, I got quoted in the NY Times on July 4 in an article about Mahir, the I Kiss You guy. The author of the article, David Gallagher, sent me a message to let me know that a Turkish newspaper covered his coverage and apparently quoted my quote.
Yeah, but they translate my comments as “Hollywood bize kendi ürettigi yildizlari sunuyor. Biz de internet araciligiyla siradan bir kisiyi yildiz yaptik. Fena mi?” Can’t they even get the oblative right? Besides, I think “yildizlan sunyor,” while correct in a pedestrian literal sense, really doesn’t capture the sense of what I was saying. I think “kisyildzik aryiskadilzi” would have been much closer, as I’m sure you all will agree.
Well, you know what they say: “No tiskilyazi is bad tiskilyazi so long as they spell your yaptik right!”
Third, Small Pieces got the worst review of any book in history in the Washington Post. The reviewer actually used the monkeys-at-typewriters trope. Feel free to console me with small gifts. (FWIW, I agree with his comments about the mysterious “we” in the book, although I made the choice intentionally.)
>[I should probably note that my book has actually received some good reviews. There’s a list of reviews here. And, yes, I will add the stinker from the Post when I get a chance. And when the Prozac kicks in.]
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