Gillmor on Lessig: Scary, Depressing, Important
Dan Gillmor is attending a seminar at Harvard on Internet law and is blogging his notes. But Dan’s notes are better written than the final drafts of the rest of us. And his notes on Lawrence Lessig‘s session on exactly how we can – and will, according to Lessig – lose what’s most important about the Internet are a superb critical summary of Lessig’s position. Read it and weep. Or, better, read it and fight.
Hylton Jolliffe writes: “I wanted to point you to another real-time blog on ILAW that you might find interesting and worth pointing to. It’s edited by the Berkman’s Donna Wentworth:” Well worth visiting. (Dan G points to this site also in his bloggage from the seminar.)
And Eric Norlin is POed that we’re not paying enough attention to digital ID since that’s a linchpin of the entire scheme. He highly recommends what looks like an excellent conference. Why, I’d be tempted to go if someone were to pony up the travel expenses. (That’s the problem with being self-employed: you have to engage in some serious self-delusion to enjoy the perqs fully.)
Categories: Uncategorized dw