March 3, 2002
Circumstantial Conspiracy Chip recommends a
Circumstantial Conspiracy
Chip recommends a long article by Ron Callari of The Albion Monitor (reprinted in that provocatively lays out the circumstantial evidence that It’s the Oil, Stupid. Many fascinating tidbits loosely joined. For example, Zalmay Khalilzad, former consultant to Unocol, the oil company that was negotiating with the Taliban for a pipeline, “is the Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council member responsible for setting up the post-Taliban ‘Pro-Unocal’ regime in Afghanistan.”
Monitor.Net is a stronghold of lefty conspiracy theories and outrage (“Olympic Torch Bearer Uniforms Made In Burma Sweatshops,” “Could Irradiated Mail Cause Super-Anthrax?”). Just because they’re lefty and conspiracy theories doesn’t mean they’re not true.