My Upcoming Book – Upcoming
My Upcoming Book – Upcoming No More
Although it may not seem like it, I’ve actually been restrained in promoting my Upcoming Book. But I’m girding my loins. Amazon is now shipping the book. Bob Treitman at the SoftPro bookstore tells me that books have actually arrived. So, apparently my book is Upcoming no more.
If you have already read an advance copy of the book, please feel free to write a review at Amazon. I wouldn’t exactly mind a surge of interest.
Also, Marek elicited a Marekian interview with me about the process of writing the book. You can read it here.
So far, I’ve been pleased with the level of interest. The Boston Globe ran an excerpt in their Sunday magazine. I’ve done a few radio interviews and have a bunch more coming up. The book is being considered for review by the appropriate places. And I’ve solemnly vowed to become ruthlessly self-promotional. Any help you can give in getting the word out I will greatly appreciate.
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