The Textual Avatar Jeneane agrees
The Textual Avatar
Jeneane agrees with what I wrote about weblogs being a way we’re writing ourselves into existence. She adds that the self we’re transforming isn’t simply online:
That is the joy in it for me—not so much the voice, the self I have created through blogging, but how that unleashed voice is transforming me, the person, the flesh and the mind.
100% agreement. In fact, one of the themes of my upcoming book is that the Web is rewriting our real-world concepts. I do find it frustratingly hard, however, to point to real-world examples of effects because they are mainly anecdotal and one never knows what their actual causes are.
Jeneane extends her thinking to gesture toward and ecological view of web self and RW self that she says needs development. Go, Jeneane, go!
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