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Available May 14, 2019
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AI Ethics Workshop
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David Weinberger
Photo of David Weinberger

A Web of Extraordinary Ideas.

There is no one with David Weinberger's perspective because no one has had a journey like his: philosophy professor, marketing VP at early Web startups, co-author of the seminal Cluetrain Manifesto, senior researcher at the leading Harvard Internet center, co-director of a Harvard innovation lab, a writer with innumerable publications in Wired, Harvard Business Review, Scientific American, The NY Times,, and many more... and a sought after keynote speaker on a truly global scale.

Along the way, Dr. Weinberger has been the marketing VP at one of the first Web search engine sites, a tech policy adviser to presidential campaigns, a Franklin Fellow at the US State Department, a writer in residence at a Google AI research group, and for seven years was a gag writer for Woody Allen's comic strip ... to name just a few stops along his remarkable career path.

That's why when global news media want to understand not just what is happening in the world of tech but what it means, they come to David Weinberger.

When businesses want to see beneath the trends and the hype to the deep ways in which digital technology is changing customer expectations, undong assumptions about business strategy, and realigning economic interests, they come to David Weinberger.

When organizations want a speaker who earns his Aha!s and laughs, they come to David Weinberger.

"I am not a futurist," he says. "The future is too surprising for that."

In fact, our basic idea of how the future works is itself undergoing change, his latest research shows. "People talk about how the present is speeding up, our attention spans are shortening, and we're being overwhelmed," he says. "If you think the present is changing, you ought to see what's happening to the future!"

With a philosopher's training and years of experience on the front lines of the Internet economy — The Wall Street Journal called him a "marketing guru" — his presentations are hailed for taking business thinking to a new level. His passion and insight leave audiences inspired. His sense of humor leaves them laughing.

To arrange for a keynote talk or an executive workshop, contact David here.


Dr. Weinberger has brought his insight and expertise to keynotes about innovation, marketing, leadership, social media, journalism, politics and democracy, education, libraries, and more. He will work with you to craft a talk perfect for your needs. Here are a few of his topics.

AI and Strategic Chaos

AI and the Internet are redefining how the future works. If we get it right, we'll be unprepared for it.

  • New strategies enable us to get around the hidden limitations of anticipating the future and preparing for it.
  • Now that our new science of predicting the future shows that we can't control the future, we should enable the future to be even more surprising.
  • To maximize the value of their resources, organizations need to find ways to open them up to the world.
See: The Future is a Platform (The Next Web)
Ethics of AI workshop

While AI raises important ethical issues that business must take seriously, in this one-of-a-kind workshop David has business managers probe beneath the tech to see how those issues arise from the very nature of machine learning, how to address them, and how AI is changing our ideas about what's fair and ethical.

  • Understand why bias is machine learning's "original sin."
  • Learn how our engagement with AI is forcing us to confront issues in our current idea of fairness.
  • In a series of case studies, work through the trade-offs implementing AI systems demand of us,
See: Harvard Business School lightning talk
Is the Internet Disappointed in us?

Twenty-five years after the birth of the Web, is it living up to our expectations? More exactly, as citizens and businesses are we living up to its expectations?

  • The original Web values have thoroughly reset the expectations of customers and employees. We forget that at our business' peril.
  • We can regain the original excitement of the Web by remembering what its promise was to business and life.
See: New Clues
        The Internet that Was (

Executive Seminar

Dr. Weinberger has been an acclaimed teacher at Harvard Law, Emerson, University of Stuttgart, and others. Let him bring his engaged, impassioned, always funny teaching skills to your next executive offsite, strategic customers meeting, or other gathering of 10-50 people you want to get talking and thinking. 


To have David Weinberger speak at your event, contact:
Robin Wolfson Agency
+1 201-892-3022