For those who need to understand how the Web is changing the way businesses work
June 4, 1998
Special Edition |
In the previous issue of JOHO, I prattled on about why it's important to get metaphors right, and why "knowledge management" doesn't. This elicited a somewhat wonderful response from Rageboy.
I have taken the editor's liberty of adding comments to elucidate, challenge and in general distract you from the thrust of Chris's argument in order to prove myself his superior in every conceivable way. In other words, I am pretending that Chris and I are academics.
Longer-than-the-Original wrt "Knowledge Management and the The Importance of Metaphors," I don't
think this heading is long enough. It cries out for a colon -- or some
mechanism from which the gas can escape. How about this?
Here RB subtly tweaks my nose for having
explained in a previous issue that "wrt" stands for "with regards to" instead
of "with regard to." Chris knows that I am deeply embarrassed by making
grammatical mistakes of this sort. Here he cleverly forces me to bring the
issue up again in public. He's a cruel man.
Also, notice the diabolical pun on "colon" as both a punctuation mark
and that from which gas escapes. This refers to our recent meal in a Vietnamese
restaurant in Boulder which Chris dragged me to. Tofu and lemon grass.
Enough said.
Knowledge Management and the The Importance of Metaphors: How Looking
Even *More* Closely at Our Own Mental Processes Can Reduce Us to Quivering
Cognitive Jell-O. That, to me, has more the look of a paper title that might make the cut
for the annual convention of the Modern Language Association.
Aha! Not only does Chris miss with
his MLA reference (my degree is in philosophy and I can assure you that
the American Philosophical Association meetings are nothing like MLA meetings,
except, well, in debating minute points in sessions with intimidating
titles...) but Chris himself here uses a metaphor: cognitive Jell-O! And
he leaves out the trademark! Things are definitely going my way!
Actually, what I'm getting really tired of is the whole metaphor metaphor.
This has to be one of those bad jokes perpetrated by people still using
Lisp machines with META keys who learned about recursion
way too early in life and it's since colored everything they know. I mean,
we've had paper for thousands of years, and people simply did not do this.
They didn't say: "Look, this is not really a piece of paper. It's actually
a house! Here's the door, here's the window, and see -- I'm especially
proud of this one -- here's the little TRASHCAN!"
No. It's was always just frickin paper. It was what you wrote on it
that determined whether or not it belonged in the little trashcan.
Another veiled personal attack! Chris
knows one of my pathetic
books is on programming Interleaf documents with LISP. Frankly, this type of maneuver really just makes me
look sympathetic, don't you think?
If I may veer into some substance, might I point out
that the situation is more complex than Chris makes it out to be here?
The aesthetic experience -- being moved by art, for those who lost their
notes to their required college art appreciation course -- is in part
a sense of wonder that mere canvas can express what isn't canvas. You stand
there in amazement that someone could turn pigmented oils into a picture
so beautiful. This is already a "recursive" experience.
The "meta"-ness of art is distinctive of art. Take that!
Another thing? All this stuff about "knowledge" -- can we please just
knock that off? It's so Germanic. Wissenpissenwaftegesundheit. When I
hear the word knowledge these days, I reach for my spam cannon. It makes
me want to get in on some cheap Florida real estate.
Damn! He's made me laugh! Milk actually
came out my nose. I hate when that happens.
The problem with "knowledge" is that it carries
forward all the old baggage about legitimation. This is very old news
if you haven't been exclusively reading Javascript documentation. You
can make fun all you want of those continental lit-and-culture-crit dudes
like Derrida, Lyotard, Foucault, Habermas and like that, but whether their
answers were right or wrong, they framed some questions about knowledge
that didn't simply evaporate when T.B. Lee came up with angle brackets.
Now hold on one rootin'-tootin' minute! I believe I'm
the one with the academic credentials to pretend he's read these folks!
(By the way, don't fall for RB's bluff: He made up the name "Lyotard.")
As far as the search for knowledge being in fact a search
for legitimization: Right on, baby! The idea is that knowledge is a power
trip, man. Knowledge is the stuff that the power elite agrees on. Being
"in the know" means believing "legitimate" things
and being legitimized in return. (For example, a "knowing reference" to Tim Berners-Lee [the inventor of the WWW] as "T.B. Lee" might count...) Of course, the original JOHO article
argued against the idea that the K in KM was about big honkin'
facts. Indeed, KM originally was about the from-the-ground-up, hands-on
know-how that distinguishes field people from the management elite. My
problem with this type of KM is that what you really want to do is not heap knowledge up in front of people but make them smarter by teaching them
to learn better.
The problem, succinctly stated, is: who says?
Succinctness? Waaay too late for that.
The extra dimension that the speed of internet propagation brings to
this problem is: who says when?
Usually, knowledge is construed to be the result of consensus among some
(probably "professionally" bounded) community of practice that's had a
while to chew on the options and digest them into something that fits
a (pretty much) coherent and (mostly) cohesive -- you should forgive the
expression, except in this case it's exactly what T.S. Kuhn was talking
about -- paradigm.
Time out for a brief history of knowledge.
Traditionally knowledge (episteme) was considered to be justified true
belief (doxa). It was very interesting to the Greeks (and to 2,000 years
of thinkers afterwards) that there was this distinction between knowing
and believing and they really, really wanted to know what the difference
was because, if you knew you knew some stuff, then you could deduce
more knowledge and not slip back into mere belief. (Ah, knowledge is knowing
you know and thus is already recursive!)
This changed with Francis Bacon and the Humdingers who
replaced deductions
from known assumptions with the Scientific
Method. T.S. Kuhn shook things up again -- and more decisively than the Frenchies
Chris cites -- by showing (in The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions) that the scientific method does
not provide a continuous march of progress towards truth. Instead, even
the questions science asks are based upon a paradigm, a set of beliefs
that are internally consistent but are not necessarily any more true than
other paradigms. As scientists work within the paradigm, anomalous results
are found that are put aside until they are too plentiful to ignore and
a new paradigm is invented/discovered that covers those anomalies.
This worked for Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and John Cleese,
because in those days it took centuries to carry new ideas by donkey between
the highly exclusive centers of learning (and vetting -- sometimes by
virtue of burning at the stake). Now, what with all these packets flipping
around the planet before you can finish blowing your nose, that don't
work too pretty good no more. Gosh, I love the way Chris writes!
What a great paragraph.
So, is it knowledge because the boss says so? Or because Harvard Business
School (where they all just got AOL accounts last month) says so? Or because
you and your Satan worship coven say so? Really. This is serious.
Sorry, but I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid
here. The fact that knowledge is paradigmatic doesn't mean that it's purely
relative. Paradigms aren't wimpy little belief-sets that you can pick
up from your boss, your coven, or even Thursday night Must-See TV. A paradigm
has staying power -- Newtonian physics is still with us -- because it
captures a lot of what's real and true.
In fact, that's the problem. It's way TOO serious.
Ok, here's where Chris hides the Queen in his 3-Card Monte game. He doesn't
want us to think too long or too hard about what he's saying. This is
The Game of the Century. Irony and sarcasm deflate seriousness, and when
your seriousness becomes detumescent, you're not held responsible for
your thoughts. Irony beats thinking like rock beats scissors.
J'accuse, RageBoy! I insist on taking you seriously!
For textbooks, it's important to know the consensus of what pretty-much-everybody-who-counts
thinks. For innovation, on the other hand, it's important to know what's
*missing* from all that. So it's best to ignore a whole lot of "What's
Always Worked For Us" (sometimes called "The Canon"). Nobody knows what
the missing stuff should look like anyway, because it's... well... missing!
Otherwise, it'd already be there for god's sake. So how can you call that
knowledge since a) nobody knows it yet, and b) deciding what counts as
*real* knowledge is about as social a deal as an Iowa cornhusking bee?
Ok, I've got it, I think. What's
in between the cracks is what's important but it isn't knowledge. Knowledge
by its definition (Chris's) is what everyone agrees upon, so it necessarily
isn't what's innovative. Huh?
Me, I vote for "play" (ludo, ludere). Substitute play for all those broken
notions of "knowledge" and -- viola! -- nobody knows what's serious and
what isn't; what they can safely ignore and what they might be best advised
to check out; in short: what's going to be on the test. Therefore, they
have to pay closer attention. Well... of course they don't *got* to. Nobody
*gots* to do anything. As we're so rapidly finding out. Which is why all
this paranoia about knowledge in the first place. Right?
Chris and I have
a mutual friend named Ludo. This is probably a coded message to him.
On the other hand, RB is making an important point here. You can't really
do the substitution of "play" for "knowledge" ("play management" ... quick,
someone call the Harvard Business Review!), but is our interest in KM
really a form of ass-covering? One of the most-cited apps for KM certainly
is: the tobacco companies who need to know what they know before the FDA
finds out. (Really, folks, if we can't come up with a better example of
why we need KM, let's just fold-up our tin tables and leave our street
but hey: just kidding.
He's done it! The triple backflip with a double
lutz, plunging into the deep end! Yes!!! You gotta be thrilled seeing
this, don't you? You just gotta write like a sports announcer when a guy
gives 110% like this!
So, we begin with a plea for dropping our fascination with metaphors
on the grounds that there's something sort of pathological about insisting
on standing an extra step away from the world. Then we move to a statement
of the relativity of knowledge. Then RB performs a psycho-audit of the
corporate lust for knowledge, putting it on the couch until it admits
that it is really nothing more than a way to run from responsibility,
adulthood, death and our desire to procreate with Mom and/or Dad. But
just as he gets going, he says it's all too serious. Then he gets serious
about play. And then, riding off on his horse, with the tail swishing
over the last part of the horse you want to see, he strikes while the
irony's cool and takes an extra step away from the world. Is he hoisting
irony on its own petard, or are our petards being hoisted ironically?
Love ya, babe
Commentary & Elucidation
So David old pal whom
I love as dearly as my own nearly departed Mom:
is here referring to a contretemps is a previous issue when some readers
mistook our ill-natured badinage for actual animosity. The truth is that
Chris and I long ago moved beyond friendship all the way to rough sex.
Damn! I thought I was understanding
this stuff!
The above comments were just sniping. Here's what I really want to say.
A metaphor (or model or paradigm) is a way of understanding one thing by way of another, assimilating the new to the familiar. You can complain that that's an essentially conservative, status-quo-hugging, anti-innovative way of thinking, but it's also the Human Condition. Without it, we don't have thought and we sure don't have language. If y'all don't like it, well, as we say in Trends in Neo-Realism, Empiricism and Facticity class: tough noogies.
So, when something seemingly new comes along, like knowledge management (KM), using the right metaphors is very important. Using the wrong metaphors obscures what may be of value in it. That's why Lotus Notes floundered and foundered for the first few years. And viewing word processing within the typewriter metaphor held it back as well; in addition, it distracted us from the important effects WPwas having on the nature of "written" words. (Michael Heim, a JOHO reader, was one of the first to write about this, in Electric Language.)
So, it's important to worry about metaphors because you're not futzing about how something is described but how it is understood ... and thus to some extent what it is.
Further, because metaphors compare one thing with another in some ways but not in all ways, the right metaphor shows not only what is familiar and understandable, but also what is new and murky. It's in those cracks in the sidewalk that innovation happens. (Then, occasionally, there is a change in paradigm or metaphor when innovation overtakes familiarity. The Web may be an instance of this; knowledge management sure isn't.)
Conclusion: JOHO will continue to futz with metaphors.
Please reduce either column of the above table to a bumper sticker.
Extra points awarded for irony.
We here at JOHO are interested in -- in fact, fascinated by -- your reaction to this special issue. Should we do more? Fewer? Retract this one? Pursue this style? Calm down and write nicer prose? Whatever. Send your comments to
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